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Sariska tiger attacks forest department employee

A tiger from the Sariska Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan’s Alwar attacked a forest department employee trying to tranquillise it in an agriculture field at Ghadsana in Haryana’s Rewari on Monday, officials said.
The tiger, who attacked a farmer in Maheshra on Thursday, moved to Rewari after remaining outside the Sariska Tiger Reserve’s buffer range for three months.
Shankar Singh, a forest officer, said the search operation for the tiger was delayed due to fog and that the agricultural land it was traced to is spread over a large area and cannot be cordoned off.
Sariska Tiger Reserve field director RN Meena said a team tried to tranquillize the tiger hiding in a mustard field. “The tiger attacked forest employee Heera Lal. He was immediately rushed to a local hospital in Rewari. Other employee Dharma Singh fainted as he saw the tiger attack.”
